Stories, myths and legends


Myth behind King’s Cross Name

According to legend, King’s Cross is built on the site of
Boudica’s final battle. Another legend suggests that her body is
buried under one of the platforms and there are passages under
the station which her ghost is supposed to haunt


King’s Cross Name_ Origin

King’s Cross St Pancras Station

The Scala

The Guardian

Dustheaps in Kings Cross

Coal and Baths

Clubs in King’s Cross

Argyle Square

Country Diary_ Writer writes about King’s Cross

1934 Brighton Trunk Murders

In 1934, a suitcase opened in the left luggage rooms
was found to contain a couple of human legs. These
were later associated with other body parts found at
Brighton Station.

“On the 17th June 1934 William Joseph Vinnicombe, a cloak room attendant employed by the Southern Railway at Brighton Railway Station, noticed an offensive odour in the cloakroom and called Detective Bishop of the Railway Police who opened a trunk which contained parts of a human body.

On 18 June another trunk had been discovered at Kings Cross Station in similar circumstances, and it contained two limbs. Very few clues were available and the victims could not be identified until a press reporter informed police about Violet Kaye, aged 42, a known prostitute in the Brighton area who was missing. A man named Mancini had been associated with her.

As for the body in the trunks at Kings Cross and Brighton railway stations (known as Brighton Trunk Crime – Number 1) the case was never solved, and there was no evidence linking Mancini to this other murder.”

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